Thursday, November 19, 2015

3 Reasons to Drink Green Smoothies & 3 Awesome Recipes to Try!

I'm not into following fad diets. In fact, I think following fad diets JUST because it's currently "cool" is unwise. But Green Smoothies seemed to be all the rage in 2015 and so I admit it; I got curious and had to try them! So, after drinking them regularly for the last 6 months and reaping massive benefits, I'm sharing with you today 3 reasons why I love them so much and also the 3 recipes I make the most.

I started drinking Green Smoothies in April of this year and was so impressed with the results that I even created a health challenge for the clients I coach. Over the past few months I've enjoyed being experimental with the ingredients and processes used to create them, but one thing about my Green Smoothie consumption remains constant; how GREAT they make me feel!

3 Reasons to Drink Green Smoothies

Feel Lighter!

After drinking one Green Smoothie a day for about a week, I no longer felt bloated. What's funny is, I didn't even know I was bloated until the feeling went away! But when I consistently drink Green Smoothies, my pants fit looser and my shirts fit better across my stomach.

This, of course, is due to the fact that Green Smoothies send a condensed amount of fiber coursing through your intestines. All that roughage cleans out your colon and helps you to become regular in the healthy way your body needs. In other words, drinking Green Smoothies will help get the "garbage" out.

Dense Dose of Nutrition

When you drink a Green Smoothie, especially when you add Shakeology to it, you're putting some major nutrition into your body. By packing all those greens and a bit of fruit in there, you're basically eating a large salad - without the added fat and calories of dressing, croutons, bacon bits and all that other junk we pile on at the salad bar. 

The liquid from the vegetables, fruit, citrus and water provide a nice contribution to the amount of hydration you need each day to stay healthy. Proper hydration plays a major role in our health, from our skin tone, energy level, hunger level and overall wellness.

When you add Shakeology to your Green Smoothie you're getting an intense dose of protein, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, prebiotics and probiotics that the body needs to fight off diseases, cancers and other common ailments.

For the Health of It!

Once you become comfortable with making Green Smoothies, go ahead and get creative! Play around with other ingredients that you're curious about. **But keep THIS in mind** It's actually possible to make an unhealthy health smoothie! This is usually done when you add an over abundance of fruit. Fruit and juices are delicious but can also be high in sugar and calories, so keep the fruit portions of your Green Smoothie in moderation and you should be all set!

So if you haven't already, give Green Smoothies a try!
You can start by making one of my 3 Go-To-Recipes below.

I shared my recipes with you, now YOU share with me!

SHARE this post on Social Media - your smoothie lovin' friends will thank you for it!

SHARE your thoughts! Comment below and let me know what you LOVE about Green Smoothies! What ingredients do you use?

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  1. I do a chocolate shake every morning for breakfast and it gives me the energy needed to keep up with middle school students all day and my own son at night.

  2. When working with kids all day and then you're own all night, you definitely need your energy! Glad to hear that health shakes give you the boost you need.
