Friday, December 4, 2015

Gluten Free Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas

I am obsessed with my Crock Pot. OB-SESSED.

But I never really used it until I was given a slow cooker themed cookbook created by Hope Comerford, a woman who teaches in the same school district as my husband, John Paul. Her cookbook literally changed my perspective on clean eating from "takes too long" to "totally do-able!"

Hope recently published a new Crock Pot cookbook and this time ALL the recipes are gluten-free. Of course, I had to pick this baby up and give some of the recipes a whirl. So today I'm sharing one particular recipe that was so simple and so tasty it had me doing the clean eating happy dance.

Hope's cookbook is effectively titled The Gluten-Free Slow Cooker. The meals are quick, easy and all of them have scrumptious titles like: Peaches & Cream French Toast, Quinoa Minestrone, Garlic Butter Poached Salmon and Chocolate Peanut Butter Rice Pudding

John Paul loves anything Mexican so the first dish I tried from this cookbook was Chicken Fajitas. I was pleasantly impressed with how inexpensive, simple, healthy and tasty this meal was. We devoured quite a few fajitas each yet still had leftovers. Muy bueno!

Hope's recipe calls for frozen veggies which makes this meal incredibly convenient. But I'm a fresh kinda girl so I used raw vegetables instead. This change seemed to work just fine as the fresh veggies gave off plenty of liquid as they cooked down. I simply sprayed my crock with oil, sliced up 3 boneless-skinless chicken breasts, julienned 2 Bell peppers and sliced one 8 oz. package of mushrooms.  

I tossed the chicken and veggies in the crock with 3 Tbsp. cornstarch and 5 Tbsp. of Hope's recommended *taco seasonings. After stirring it all together, I popped the lid on and set my timer for 3.5 hours and cooked the contents on HIGH.

*This recipe located on pg. 72 of her cookbook

Once the chicken and veggies were cooked we layered it on top of our favorite cheese on a simple gluten-free wrap. And then we mowed down! We cannot tell a lie: these fajitas were pretty crazy fantastic.

Like I said, I'm obsessed with my Crock Pot and was introduced to that love after receiving one of Hope's cookbooks. If you would like to check out any of her recipes then visit her blog A Busy Mom's Slow Cooker Adventures. And if you are interested in her latest cookbook, The Gluten-Free Slow Cooker, click HERE to find the reasonably priced edition on Amazon. If you are searching for easy and affordable gluten-free meals you will absolutely want to give this cookbook a look-see.

I shared  with you, now YOU share with me!

SHARE this post on Social Media - your gluten-free lovin' friends will thank you for it!

SHARE your thoughts! Comment below and let me know what you LOVE about gluten-free recipes! What are some of your favorites?

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This was NOT a sponsored post. Blair Clark did not receive any benefit from writing this review other than the deliciousness that came from creating this meal and the intrinsic reward of boasting about a fellow blogger and Mom-preneur.

1 comment:

  1. Well young lady, that looks simply delicious. I'll talk to the kitchen staff about adding this to our menu. Although the gluten free part isn't of concern for me, I'll give it a whirl. You know who
